About me


My Story

Hello, I’m Simon, a seasoned 3D artist with over a decade of experience crafting 3D objects, motion graphics, and digital art.

As a true representative of the Millennial generation, I encountered the world of digital graphics through my teenage involvement with the video games of the 90s. Since then, I have been captivated by the digital world and particularly by the idea of creating new universes …

In the following years, I studied physics and electronics and worked in these fields, both as an educator and a researcher. Nevertheless, the “magical” image I had as a teenager of digital graphics and digital art remained alive within me.

In mid-2010, I “randomly” stumbled upon the open-source software Blender, which at that time opened a small gateway to that “magical” world of my teenage years!

From that fortunate coincidence, I devoted myself to creating 3D digital objects, motion graphics and, more broadly, to the creation of 3D digital art, as a hobby. For years, I remained a hobbyist (a lover of art), with a romantic disposition towards this digital world. This avocation provided me with a way to express my creativity and served as a creative antidote to stress.

Over time, my enthusiasm and love for this form of art continued to grow. Consequently, I made the decision to turn my passion into a profession! My primary goal is to produce digital works that showcase the products and projects of my collaborators, while my ultimate goal is happiness, always in conjunction with my family!

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